Wedding Ideas for the Ultimate Sports Fan
After the wedding date is set, it’s time to choose a wedding theme. There’s no rule book saying that your wedding has to be set a certain way or even have a theme. In fact, wedding themes include everything from traditional themes to beach themes to extreme wedding themes. The list is endless. One of the most fun themes fanatic couples often choose is going with a “sports” theme.
Now that fall is finally here, football is a prime sport on many people’s radars. While it takes a lot of planning, couples who are a part of families that are ulimate sports fans will have an exciting time planning and celebrating their weddings.
Here are some wedding ideas for the ulimate sports-themed wedding:
Sports Ticket Invitations
Invite your wedding guests with a sports-inspired ticket. Save the date tickets are perfect for a sports-inspired wedding and give you tons of freedom to include all the right information for your guests. These creative invites are a bit different than traditional wedding invitations and will stand out.
Football-Inspired Bouquet
Take a twist on the classic flower bouquet and add a touch of football. There’s many ways you can do this. Either take shreds of a football and neatly place them in a bouquet to resemble flowers, or place flowers inside a football. This will also make “throwing the bouquet” a little more fun.
Sports Theme Card Box
Most weddings will have a wedding envelope box for guests to place their cards and gifts in, like the card boxes from The Perfect Card Box. Take a card box and customize it with sports-themed photos of you and your loved one.
Soccer-Shaped Fans
If you’re going for the nice traditional, outdoor wedding, treat your guests with a paper or cardboard fan on the back of their chair. Soccer-shaped fans are perfect for this type of themed wedding.
Sports Fan Wedding Cake
Wedding cake options are endless. For the perfect sports wedding, go for a traditional cake with hints of you and your finance’s favorite sports, or go all out with these fun sports-themed wedding cakes.
Tags: Sports, Sports Wedding, Wedding Ideas, Weddings