Archive for January, 2015

NFL Wonderlic Scores By Position

Monday, January 26th, 2015
English: Kevin Curtis (left) with A. J. Feeley...

Kevin Curtis: Super smart, pretty good receiver. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

The NFL’s Wonderlic Test at the annual combine turns into one of the hottest news items each draft season as the scores go public. Of course, these are supposed to be kept secret, but one way or another many scores leak out each year and pundits share their thoughts on the relative smarts or lack thereof of that season’s draft crop. While it’s been shown often over the years that Wonderlic scores have little or no correlation to on field performance, it’s still an interesting piece of data if only because every arm chair quarterback can get an idea of how they stack up to a pro athlete in at least one (potentially) measurable aspect. If you want to get an idea of how you score compared to the pros, there are any number of unofficial tests online that will give you an idea of how you’d do, like this one at Continue reading “NFL Wonderlic Scores By Position” »