How to Prepare for Your First Triathlon
Tuesday, April 21st, 2015You’re good at swimming, biking, and running – does this mean you’re ready to join a triathlon? Not quite yet! For first-time triathletes, it can be a little intimidating and there might also be a lot of mental fear going on. Besides the emotional factor, there’s also the actual preparation to think about such as the training, gear, and equipment.
Generally speaking, a triathlon course consists of a half-mile swim, 10-mile bike, and 5K run. It might take at least six weeks for an average person to train for a sprint tri, but of course, the more time you spend training, the more you get physically acclimated to take on the challenge.
First thing you need to prepare is your gear: swimsuit, bicycle, and running shoes. They should all be comfortable enough for you to use from your first training day to the day of the triathlon. Continue reading “How to Prepare for Your First Triathlon” »