Posts Tagged ‘college’
Monday, November 3rd, 2014
Insurance seems to be something that only parents and families think about, but college students should too. They can also get sick or their belongings might get stolen. These uncertainties may become a financial burden to them on top of their student loans. Having the right insurance, however, can save them from further headaches and take care of their finances. Continue reading “Insurance Every College Student Should Have” »
Tags: auto insurance, college, college life, college students, health insurance, renters insurance
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Thursday, August 7th, 2014
The social media alternative website Reddit did a survey on the most hated teams in college football in the lead up to the 2014 season. Although this type of survey is highly separated from a scientific study at one of the many university listed, but Reddit hating of all trolls on the internet. And the survey says…
Continue reading “Analyzing the Most Hated Teams in College Football” »
Tags: ACC, Big Ten, college, College athletics, college football, football, NCAA, ohio state, penn state, Sports
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Monday, January 20th, 2014
For most students, there simply isn’t enough time in the day to do everything that needs to be done. Unfortunately, exercise seems to be one of the last things to make it on the “to do” list. After the long hours of class, homework, work, and parties, they are simply too exhausted to even think about exercising. And doesn’t all that running around count as exercise anyway? Well…sort of!
If you are a super busy college student and need some help warding off those extra pounds, here are a few easy ways to stay fit while you’re busy in school.
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Tags: college, exercise, fitness, Food, health, Intramural sports, Physical exercise, Sport, Student
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Thursday, October 10th, 2013
There are many reasons why North Carolina is a strong state when it comes to higher education. Besides its natural beauty and southern charm, the Tar Heel State is also proud to have four of the top 25 best-value universities in the nation, according to Forbes. Given the pool of talent it has been receiving, NC cities have been ranking high beside New York as a thriving metropolis. So when you visit NC, make sure to take a tour of their best campuses and feel the intellectual spirit surrounding you.
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Tags: academics, campus tour, college, north carolina, schools, studies, travel, universities
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Thursday, January 31st, 2013
While rifling through old files on my computer, I came across a pretty old post about Les Miles and LSU. Time sure flies. And, he’s still head coach of the LSU football team, which I suppose isn’t that much of a surprise, but still worth mentioning if you didn’t think he would be (or just don’t know who he is). Just for fun, here’s the post:
Les is More, Sorta
This week LSU announced they had extended the contract through 2010, bumping his annual salary from $1.25 million in 2005 to $1.65 million in 2006. This seems to me like a bit of a kneejerk reaction on behalf of LSU and am not sure that Miles is a proven commodity that would warrant a raise after a great season with Nick Saban’s players. I for one really enjoyed his sideline antics and moments of panic during the Tennessee loss last year. Deer meet headlights, headlights meet deer…
Continue reading “In College Football History: Les Miles” »
Tags: college, college football, football, Les Miles, LSU, LSU football, NCAA, NCAA football
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Wednesday, December 19th, 2012
For decades, it has been customary for the NBA to draft players who had obtained a bachelor’s degree. It was a relationship that benefited both the NCAA and the NBA. Since the NBA didn’t have to fund a minor league, colleges would keep players who would have gone professional.
As college basketball became more popular and commercialized, players found it more difficult to function as both player and student. This was a real problem especially for lower class, less educated, talented teenagers. They were paying for an education where they weren’t learning as much as they ought and not being paid for their athletic abilities.
Continue reading “College Basketball: Skipping Out to Go Pro” »
Tags: basketball, college, college degree, college education, drafting, education, Kobe Bryant, NBA, NBA draft, NCAA, Spencer Haywood
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